A stunning opportunity for taking pictures . . . . thursday night, the rides only half filled the carpark in the middle of town, a very sad bedraggled looking affair, only a few bewildered looking families and the usual bunch of likely lads.
Because it was almost deserted I was able to lie down on the steps of the Dodgers ride to get a couple of really good shots of the lights. No-one took any notice . . . I'm developing the knack for being invisible when I take pictures.
Camera on the same setting, getting two very different results, I'm loving the over exposed yellow.
But you have to admit this one's a cracker . . . . .
Can't decide which I like better here, the colour or the black and white. The black and white given a little bit of punch with levels but that's all. The rest are all straight out of the camera. Have to say I also like the different size formats available to me with this camera ( Lumix G3 ).
I only came home because the battery died on me . . . . . dying to get out and take more trying different camera settings this time but, being a Bank Holiday in England, it's pouring with rain. I keep going to window to look out and speculate wether it will pass over by this evening. Keep your fingers crossed for me.