Monday, 9 January 2012

Whitney's Weird Stuff Print Giveaway.

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I suddenly got bored of tasteful muted colours and let rip with something a little punchier. My favourite word to describe  in-your-face kind of colour. This one was built ontop of something else I did a while ago. Taking the idea of making things specially for Photoshop stamps from sewn paper bits to maybe something more 3 dimensional . . .  grabbed a small box and an old roll of exposed film along with a letter from a dead keyboard (  we never throw anything away in this house!). I like the idea that I can use and reuse various components .  . . expect to see these again then in different combinations.

This is called Angry Red Thing 'cos I was in a bit of a fractious, bored stroppy sort of mood. I get these restless period where I need to just be spontanous. Sod whether it works or not, sod whether I've got too much else to be starting something new. Just got to do it.

Strop over I decided that I really like that red . . .  oh yes, could eat that off a spoooooon. This is all about the pain . . . . another reason why I was feeling fractious. There is, after all, only so much I can bear and be cheerful.  Too much pain, too many drugs for the pain which after a while become some kind of variant of the pain because they make you feel like shit. The worst of that episode is over, thank god and I'll be back at the gym before long.

Now we could call this one 'Good Year for the Roses' or 'Splash' both of which would be crashingly obvious but then sometimes you get a title inspiration and sometimes you don't. Suggest a really good title for it and I'll send you a print, A4 or smaller  . Leave me a comment and I'll pick the one I like best in about a week from now.

Oh well, here I was chucking in everything but the kitchen sink which is a great thing to do because you do end up with some pretty random combinations and you get to learn what works and what doesn't. For me this works. It is called ' I will love you forever' though with that eye it seems more like threat than a promise. I've been trying out a thicker scribble line, the black lines are just the standard round brush but thicker than normal. It works but I'm not 100 % happy with the way it looks so I think I will try and come up with something else that can make that kind of mark but not look quite so . . . .  digital I guess.

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